I’ve never had a blog before…

My first post in my very first blog! How exciting! I’ve spent the morning in my student teaching classroom, as I do every day during the week. However, today wasn’t as normal as most of the days I am here. Today a student, who I have never been able to get to open up to me and who usually does not talk much or participate in class, was talking up a storm! He had comments and questions and raised his hand to answer questions! I couldn’t believe it! I started to wonder about what could have sparked this sudden involvement and remembered back to last Thursday. He decided to stay in the room during specials time and he ended up talking to me about McDonald’s and crazy creatures he had heard and learned about. I think that by showing interest in what he loved made him more excited to share his thoughts. As a student teacher who is very close to graduation and my own future class someday, this was such a rewarding experience and I am so happy to be able to talk to the student and hear what goes on in his head. He is truly brilliant and has so many interesting things to say! I think it is safe to say I am in the right profession. โค

8 thoughts on “I’ve never had a blog before…

  1. I love this post because I think you’ve hit at the heart of what makes us teachers–truly feeling like you’ve reached the unreachable kid and made a difference. “Outsiders” think we must always want the well-behaved, straight A students in our class, but the reality is that we do what we do for the kids like the one you wrote about, the ones who just need some caring and attention. Best of luck as you finish your student teaching and continue blogging!


    1. Thank you very much! Sometimes I make better connections with those who need the little bit of extra attention. I was always “different” in school, even while being the straight A student. It’s nice to be able to connect with so many different students and see how they do things and handle situations. Best job ever! ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. Isn’t it rewarding when you feel the connections and hope that you’ve been the reason something finally clicked or sparked!? Good for you! You sound like you’re on your way to some amazing teaching years.


  3. Welcome to the blogging world and congratulations on your first slice! It’s so rewarding when you see a breakthrough with a student. I love hearing your enthusiasm! ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Thank you! Teaching is just one of those things that’s hard to be unenthusiastic about! Those kids can put a smile on my face during some of the toughest times!


  4. I am a Hoosier also! And I have a daughter who is student teaching now too. You have learned the MOST important teaching lesson that you will never learn in a textbook or in a college classroom – relationships matter. When you walk into your very first classroom next August, I hope you will remember that, because if you don’t form those relationships from the first day, then your lessons or standards or objectives mean nothing! Creating a blog and writing and student teaching – good for you!


    1. Thank you for your words of encouragement! I have learned so many lessons in such a short time! I just can’t wait to see how much more I learn by the end of the year!


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